Chances are, you've already taken in some Vitamin C today. Whether it was that glass of orange juice you had for breakfast, a midmorning strawberry smoothie, or perhaps a pepper-heavy vegan quesadilla over lunch, you've fed your body with this essential nutrient. When consumed regularly, vitamin C helps to boost the immune system, keep bones healthy, and even help to stave off cancer, among other benefits.
Yes, vitamin C is an important staple of a nutritious diet. If you're reading this blog, you likely already know that it's also necessary for use on the outside of the body as well. Vitamin C, when found in skincare products, most often shows up in serums. Serums are thinner than lotions or creams, helping them and the nutrients in them to be absorbed quickly. That’s important when you're pressed for time and need to get your skin looking and feeling great in a hurry.
When we apply vitamin C serums in sensible moderation, they can boost skin health in many ways. They can boost collagen levels, which helps to thicken skin. This keeps it elastic and resilient, keeping the wrinkles away longer. To put it another way, it offers great anti-ageing benefits and helps to make sure that you won't look old before your time. It's also helpful in avoiding hyperpigmentation. That's when too much melanin is produced and skin tones become uneven and dark patches (like sun spots) develop.
As good as Vitamin C can be, it's important not to go too heavy on it. Taking things slow is key; using too much too soon will lead to irritation, burning, and redness. It's best to start out by using it every other day and in small amounts, and then gradually work up to making it a part of your daily routine. When used too much or too often, you'll quickly see results that we can guarantee won't make you happy. Make this mistake and you'll be saying hello to a colony of blackheads in no time. If you're already dealing with blackheads, overuse of Vitamin C will make your situation even worse.
Blackheads aren't the only problem that an uber vitamin C skincare session can cause. Redness and irritation can also make an unwanted appearance, such as dry and flaky skin. Even acne breakouts can hit hard when you're not careful with your usage. This is especially true if you're new to the world of Vitamin enhanced serums and fail to pace yourself.
Moderation is the key word here. Introduce vitamin C to your skin gradually and be on the lookout for any irritation or allergic reactions. Build up your usage slowly and before long, you'll enjoy all of the great skin health benefits it has to offer. On that note, we want to clear up a common misconception. Topical vitamin C treatments are not an alternative to sunscreen. Along with cleanser and moisturizer, sunscreen is one of the Big Three building blocks of essential skincare. Vitamin C serums can be added to the skin after sunscreen is applied and has a chance to penetrate. Do this and you'll have an extra layer of protection against the free radicals that can leave untreated skin open to breakouts and inflammation.
At Amazonian Skinfood, we love vitamin C. It's an essential ingredient that’s definitely here to stay. Just remember that vitamin C can be very acidic. This means that serums containing it can cause skin irritation in some people, particularly when used in high concentrations. To recap, here are some of the tell-tale signs of vitamin C over use:
- An increase in blackheads or the development of blackheads on previously clear skin.
- General skin irritation and redness.
- Burning sensations
- Acne breakouts
Turn to Amazonian Skinfood for the Best Vitamin C Serums & Face Oils
When we formulated our Superfruit Facial Oil, we sought to create a skincare product with a high plant-based retinol concentration that would also be a great source of vitamin C. This saves you from needing to go for two skincare products to get the same benefits. We carefully selected our natural source of Vitamin C from Passion Fruit seed oil and Acai Oil. Both are fruits that are known for high bioavailability concentration of Vitamins A, E and C. Vitamin E is no slouch as a skin care ingredient itself, but when paired with vitamin C, the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University states that the combination is more “effective in preventing photodamage than either vitamin alone".
Reference 1: Nall, Rachel "Top 3 Benefits of Vitamin C Serum" Medical News Today, 19 Jul. 2019, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325801 Accessed 24 Nov. 2021