Arrowroot or arrowroot starch is a powdered product extracted from the roots of the arrowroot plant Arundinaceae Maranta. The name 'Arrowroot' originates from its historical use as an antidote for arrow wounds by the Indigenous people of South America and has a rich history of being incorporated in many other traditional herbal remedies. The ArrowRoot plant is a small, perennial herb and has broad, flat, oval-shaped leaves and grows to a height of 3 to 5 feet. Arrowroot is a small, cylindrical, light, cream-red covered with thin superficial scales. They contain about 23% starch. They are washed before extracting the starch, and the scales are removed to avoid any unpleasant taste. The roots are cleaned, drained, and reduced to a pulp by pounding them into mortars. This milky liquid is passed through a coarse fabric, and the pure, insoluble starch is allowed to settle to the bottom. This starch is dried in the sun or freeze-dried, resulting in the formation of arrowroot powder. This powder is fine, light white, odorless, and is used as a thickening agent in the food and cosmetic industry. Arrowroot starch is primarily used as a thickener in foods such as puddings and sauces and cosmetics for creams and lotion. It is also used as a substitute for regular flour and is a great gluten-free choice for gluten intolerant. Arrowroot Powder is versatile and widely used in natural makeup, skincare, and personal hygiene products, including body powders, deodorants, creams and lotions, face masks, beauty butter, and bath products.
In skincare, Arrowroot Powder is an all-natural absorbent powder with skin-nourishing, moisturizing and anti-irritant properties for sensitive skin. It's become a popular thickening ingredient in natural, organic, and vegan skincare and adds a smooth, silky feel to powdered products, and can be calming to skin sensitivities and irritations.
Another benefit of Arrowroot Powder in skincare and is its rejuvenating, softening, and skin-soothing properties. Arrowroot is packed with many essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, & Vitamin B6 and can relieve skin irritations, including rashes, acne, red spots, and rashes. Arrowroot is gentle on sensitive skin, making it an ideal ingredient in baby care products. Due to its anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory qualities, Arrow Root powder can improve skin texture, reduce oiliness, and bring a natural glow and healthy complexion for a younger-looking appearance.
We use Arrowroot Powder in our Sacha Inchi Face Cream for its texture-enhancing, thickening, and softening effects. It also allows our active ingredients to penetrate the upper levels of your skin, as it has excellent moisture-absorbing qualities. Our Arrowroot powder is all-natural, non-toxic, non-GMO, and 100% plant-based.
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