The Ni Shunpin Project is an independent initiative, conceived by Spiritual Leader Ixan Huni Kuin, in search of creating a culture of preservation of life in the forest, strengthening ancestral traditions and the socio-economic autonomy of its people.
A platform for articulating, raising awareness and building knowledge and initiatives on sensitive topics for the realization of the dream of a Colorful World and a Clean Forest (Ni Shunpin, in Hantxa Kuin, native language).
In line with the vision of Ma Keneya, the Colorful World, we chose to undertake a collaborative journey of knowledge construction and implementation of initiatives, aligned with local leaders and always guided by the demands of the Huni Kuin people of the Ni Yuxibu / Altamira village.
These initiatives intend to leave a legacy of positive impacts in several areas. We count on your help to continue working, always with ears and hearts attentive to the main demands, materializing these dreams through our actions.
Haux Haux.
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Visit their website: www.nishunpin.com
Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com/nishunpin
Due to aggressive changes in the current political and economic scenario in Brazil, we’re facing a growing threat that jeopardizes both the Amazon rainforest and it’s original peoples and their formidable knowledge. These changes impose a disruption that challenges these communities to maintain their traditions and preserved forests in the face of growing economic interests and political pressure on their territories.
The Ni Yuxibu Sanctuary initiative is also part of the Ni Shunpin Project

Much is said nowadays about the concept of ‘standing forest’, that is, that the forest has greater value, including economic, with its conserved biodiversity than that devastated to become a pasture for cattle.
However, with each passing day, more territories are invaded, and environmental massacres have taken place with great frequency, also in areas where indigenous peoples are living. The Jordão region, inhabited in several demarcated territories, mostly by the Huni Kuin people, is no exception, invasions are becoming more and more constant, and we all lose, along with the Forest, infinite possibilities.

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It is in this space, covering an extensive area of primary forest, that the ‘Santuário do Pajé’ - shaman’s sanctuary will be created.
It’ll be everyone’s sanctuary, where hardwoods will be planted for investment in future generations, as well as food production as an agroecological laboratory, and the planting and application of forest medicinal plants, in what we are calling a perfect future, with the triad: preserved forest + medicine + food.

Through the knowledge accumulated since prehistory by these native peoples, it was possible to transform one of the most inhospitable environments in the world into housing, abundant food, medicine and spiritual practices. Without a complete forest, the knowledge of the Huni Kuin people, generation after generation, it could be lost like so many others.
We understand, therefore, that the two premises complement each other and that the preservation of both environmental and cultural heritage is of immeasurable value for humanity.
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Despite of the ecological issue, we care for intangible heritage as well. Keeping the pajé in his sanctuary is also a revival of old traditions, where the shaman lives near by the village, in his sanctuary and medicinal gardens.
This social role was also in threat with the economical and political influences, and also prejudice and religious intolerance. In many villages the shamans are vanishing with their in-commensurable knowledge.
Pictures: Kris Kulakova, Guilherme Menegheli from Floresta TV.