Today, May 14th, all over the world we recognize World Fair Trade Day. Fair Trade is at our core, since our first days we always wanted to make products that could bring real change to the people living in the Amazon Rainforest: Fight against poverty, exploitation, and climate change.
In these challenging times of the pandemic and climate crises, the need for innovative solutions has never been greater. We need real alternatives that save our planet and ensure we can live in dignity. The environmental challenges are already impacting communities and endangering the sustainability of the livelihoods of producers. Yes, we are all affected by this, but the indigenous communities who are least responsible for the climate problem are suffering the most.
That's why our mission is to not only create safe effective skincare products, but to also work with a responsible supply chain and build a sustainable economy in the Amazon Rainforest. One that uses renewable resources and non-timber forest products, keeping the forest standing with good practices that develop traditional communities by offering training, resources and means to trade their precious goods.
Not only are our suppliers in the Amazon Rainforest B-Corp and ISO certified, and have been sustainably developing that region for many years, they have woman in their leadership that can see beyond all constraints of doing business in the deep Forest and aim for a better future.
A part from sourcing our main ingredients responsibly with Fair Trade Practices, we also partner with other projects that directly benefit the people of the Huni Kuin Tribe located in Acre, including the building of the Shaman Sanctuary.

To honor this special day, we have teamed up with our partner Beautyologie.com to offer 25% off all of our products (May 14th & 15th only) - discount applied at the Checkout. If you've been on the fence about trying our products, this is an excellent opportunity to try them. Beautyologie is a one-stop-shop for Fair Trade & Ethically Sourced Beauty products. All Beautyologie products are ethically sourced, follow fair trade principles, and are cruelty-free for animals and humans.
The 2022 theme for World Fair Trade Day is Climate Justice, which hits close to our hearts and since the core mission of our business is to help the Amazon Rainforest and the indigenous people people living there.
We deserve to live in a world where equity and sustainability are enjoyed by everyone, an economy where no one is left behind.
We can do it.
Thanks for stopping by ;)
Amazonian Skinfood Team
Picture credit: 100Amazonia